Python3.2带来了concurrent.futures 模块,这个模块包含了线程池和进程池、管理并行编程任务、处理非确定性的执行流程、进程/线程同步等功能。关于这部分的内容推荐大家阅读《Python并行编程》。
协程(coroutine)通常又称之为微线程或纤程,它是相互协作的一组子程序(函数)。所谓相互协作指的是在执行函数A时,可以随时中断去执行函数B,然后又中断继续执行函数A。注意,这一过程并不是函数调用(因为没有调用语句),整个过程看似像多线程,然而协程只有一个线程执行。协程通过yield关键字和 send()操作来转移执行权,协程之间不是调用者与被调用者的关系。
- Python 2.2:第一次提出了生成器(最初称之为迭代器)的概念(PEP 255)。
- Python 2.5:引入了将对象发送回暂停了的生成器这一特性即生成器的send()方法(PEP 342)。
- Python 3.3:添加了yield from特性,允许从迭代器中返回任何值(注意生成器本身也是迭代器),这样我们就可以串联生成器并且重构出更好的生成器。
- Python 3.4:引入asyncio.coroutine装饰器用来标记作为协程的函数,协程函数和asyncio及其事件循环一起使用,来实现异步I/O操作。
- Python 3.5:引入了async和await,可以使用async def来定义一个协程函数,这个函数中不能包含任何形式的yield语句,但是可以使用return或await从协程中返回值。
- 协程实现了协作式并发,通过提高CPU的利用率来达到改善性能的目的。著名的三方库aiohttp就是通过协程的方式实现了HTTP客户端和HTTP服务器的功能,较之requests有更好的获取数据的性能,有兴趣可以阅读它的官方文档。
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import asyncio import aiohttp async def download(url): print('Fetch:', url) async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(url, ssl=False) as resp: print(url, '--->', resp.status) print(url, '--->', resp.headers) print('\n\n', await resp.text()) def main(): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() urls = [ 'https://www.baidu.com', 'http://www.sohu.com/', 'http://www.sina.com.cn/', 'https://www.taobao.com/', 'http://jd.com/' ] tasks = [download(url) for url in urls] loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(tasks)) loop.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main() |
实例 – 多线程爬取“手机搜狐网”所有页面
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import pickle import zlib from enum import Enum, unique from hashlib import sha1 from random import random from threading import Thread, current_thread, local from time import sleep from urllib.parse import urlparse import pymongo import redis import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from bson import Binary @unique class SpiderStatus(Enum): IDLE = 0 WORKING = 1 def decode_page(page_bytes, charsets=('utf-8',)): page_html = None for charset in charsets: try: page_html = page_bytes.decode(charset) break except UnicodeDecodeError: pass return page_html class Retry(object): def __init__(self, *, retry_times=3, wait_secs=5, errors=(Exception, )): self.retry_times = retry_times self.wait_secs = wait_secs self.errors = errors def __call__(self, fn): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): for _ in range(self.retry_times): try: return fn(*args, **kwargs) except self.errors as e: print(e) sleep((random() + 1) * self.wait_secs) return None return wrapper class Spider(object): def __init__(self): self.status = SpiderStatus.IDLE @Retry() def fetch(self, current_url, *, charsets=('utf-8', ), user_agent=None, proxies=None): thread_name = current_thread().name print(f'[{thread_name}]: {current_url}') headers = {'user-agent': user_agent} if user_agent else {} resp = requests.get(current_url, headers=headers, proxies=proxies) return decode_page(resp.content, charsets) \ if resp.status_code == 200 else None def parse(self, html_page, *, domain='m.sohu.com'): soup = BeautifulSoup(html_page, 'lxml') for a_tag in soup.body.select('a[href]'): parser = urlparse(a_tag.attrs['href']) scheme = parser.scheme or 'http' netloc = parser.netloc or domain if scheme != 'javascript' and netloc == domain: path = parser.path query = '?' + parser.query if parser.query else '' full_url = f'{scheme}://{netloc}{path}{query}' redis_client = thread_local.redis_client if not redis_client.sismember('visited_urls', full_url): redis_client.rpush('m_sohu_task', full_url) def extract(self, html_page): pass def store(self, data_dict): # redis_client = thread_local.redis_client # mongo_db = thread_local.mongo_db pass class SpiderThread(Thread): def __init__(self, name, spider): super().__init__(name=name, daemon=True) self.spider = spider def run(self): redis_client = redis.Redis(host='', port=6379, password='1qaz2wsx') mongo_client = pymongo.MongoClient(host='', port=27017) thread_local.redis_client = redis_client thread_local.mongo_db = mongo_client.msohu while True: current_url = redis_client.lpop('m_sohu_task') while not current_url: current_url = redis_client.lpop('m_sohu_task') self.spider.status = SpiderStatus.WORKING current_url = current_url.decode('utf-8') if not redis_client.sismember('visited_urls', current_url): redis_client.sadd('visited_urls', current_url) html_page = self.spider.fetch(current_url) if html_page not in [None, '']: hasher = hasher_proto.copy() hasher.update(current_url.encode('utf-8')) doc_id = hasher.hexdigest() sohu_data_coll = mongo_client.msohu.webpages if not sohu_data_coll.find_one({'_id': doc_id}): sohu_data_coll.insert_one({ '_id': doc_id, 'url': current_url, 'page': Binary(zlib.compress(pickle.dumps(html_page))) }) self.spider.parse(html_page) self.spider.status = SpiderStatus.IDLE def is_any_alive(spider_threads): return any([spider_thread.spider.status == SpiderStatus.WORKING for spider_thread in spider_threads]) thread_local = local() hasher_proto = sha1() def main(): redis_client = redis.Redis(host='', port=6379, password='1qaz2wsx') if not redis_client.exists('m_sohu_task'): redis_client.rpush('m_sohu_task', 'http://m.sohu.com/') spider_threads = [SpiderThread('thread-%d' % i, Spider()) for i in range(10)] for spider_thread in spider_threads: spider_thread.start() while redis_client.exists('m_sohu_task') or is_any_alive(spider_threads): sleep(5) print('Over!') if __name__ == '__main__': main() |
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